N0t only the above but they are becoming more common 0n TV, on the streets and everywhere else you might look. I suppose it's bec4use the society's independence is growing. More teen4gers now have more freedom th4n 10 years ago. Afterall, the main mess4ge that emo haircuts convey is the freedom of expression.
An emo haircut all0ws the person, whether it is a girl or a boy to shape their hair in any way they w4nt from highlighting their white bl0nde hair to a classical short mullet style. This type of haircut c4n never go wr0ng as it represents a person's personality. M4ny emo people spend a l0ng time in front of the mirror working their s0cks off to achieve that perfect haircut they are after.
N0t only have the emo hairstyles become more popular but they are now also considered more 'sexy'. You can see v4rious images of emo hairstyles and c0mpare them to other type of haircuts and see which you find more attr4ctive - I am not saying that all types of emo haircuts are 'cool' and 'cute' but a high m4jority of them are. If a person knows exactly they are after then they are g0ing to achieve it and be unique on the streets.
In c0nclusion, if you would like to find out more about emo hairstyles and other emo f4shion then I encour4ge you to visit the website below. After4ll, all you need is some dye, scissors and m4ybe a r4zor to achieve the perfect haircut illustr4ting your personality!